Senin, 26 Desember 2011

social network

My life before social networking was extremely boring. I rarely did anything outside of going to malls, watching TV at home, or other normal everyday activities. Now, I am very active on twitter and blogger in making people aware of some of the most important issues happening in our world. Subjects as I am. Before, however, I would have had to attended workshop, seminars, and conventions to meet like-minded people. On top of that, social networking has also helped me meet new people who, although they may have differing views on certain topics, I may have a lot interest subject. My favorite musicians also people who I had,. I would have had to rely on word-of-mouth, TV, or newspaper and magazine advertisements.

Being involved in my community before social networking was something I had always wanted to do but had no means to do so. Now, with social networking, I am able to support those things that I feel deeply connected to. Before, I would have had to write letters to inform others of what is happening and gather with others to help make difference.

By sharing information through social networking, I have been able to meet people from all over the world who may or may not be interested in the same things I am. The relationship s that have been formed through social networking have been a big help in my own personal life. From giving advice to just ‘listening’, these people have made more of an impact in my life.

My life before social networking was boring and dull. However, after social networking, it hasa changed dramatically. Their are so many things I can do now that before would have been quite difficult. I have also met people from all over the world that are as diverse in their ideas as they are in nationalities . in all honesty, social networking has brought a new sense of meaning to life. Thank you, wassalamualaikum wr.wb.

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